From 1 April this year, employees at Gnosjö Automatsvarvning have had a great opportunity to influence their own salary – all according to a salary model that has been initiated and developed by the employees themselves to provide the right conditions for setting salaries fairly.
“The salary model will expand understanding of your own salary, enable you to be part of and influence your salary and also clarify what you need to do to be promoted to the next salary steps. Then it’s up to us to offer the right development opportunities in the form of internal and external training and courses to get you there,” explains Linda Fransson, CEO at Gnosjö Automatsvarvning.
The salary model is a result of an innovation initiative that was started by Gnosjö Automatsvarvning in mid-May 2018 when the employees themselves proposed a better structure for salary as one of the development projects. The project is now run by employees at Gnosjö Automatsvarvning and Jimmy Emanuelsson – joint planning and HR manager at the hydromat department – is the project manager.
“To create a salary model that suits everyone at the company, representatives from all departments and positions have been involved. The management team can of course have their say, but in the main, it’s us in the project group that are responsible for the work. We make the decisions together. It’s great to be given a responsibility like this and it has led to a great amount of commitment from all employees,” says Jimmy Emanuelsson.
The development process has been ongoing since May last year, where the aim has been to create a salary setting model that links salary to position, skills and performance, but also defines the qualities in employees that will be rewarded. This has resulted in a salary model in three categories – skills, loyalty and what you “bring to the group”, which can involve being a good colleague, for example.
“Salary is often an emotionally charged subject and many people can feel frustrated. Normally this is rooted in a lack of clarity on what the salary process actually looks like. With an open, transparent and clear salary model, it will be easier to manage everything in the right way and ensure that everyone takes responsibility – employees and employers alike,” concludes Linda.
For more information, please contact:
Linda Fransson, CEO of Gnosjö Automatsvarvning, 0370-33 32 51
Jimmy Emanuelsson, joint planning and HR manager at the hydromat department at Gnosjö Automatsvarvning and project manager for the salary mode, 0370-34 37 41
About Gnosjö Automatsvarvning
Gnosjö Automatsvarvning, with their 60 or so employees, have been specialists in turning complex components with the highest precision in large series since 1974. Their machines include rotary table machines, multi-spindle and CNC lathes. In 2018 they launched a three-year project to elevate innovation issues and take responsibility for driving these forwards. The initiative is based on a holistic approach with both internal process development and external customer development, as well as the online platform “Brave New Business” where they highlight bold investments, innovative solutions and innovations in the business world.